Asbestosis: Lower Lobes
- Inc A-a gradient, Dec DLCO
- –> Leads to mesothelioma, cancer, caplan syndrome
- Ivory white
- Supradiaphramatic
- Pleural Plaques, Prussian Blue staine (BAL)
- Effusions (pleural)
- Dumbbells - ferruginous bodies - golden brown fusiform rods in alveolar sputum
- ONLY lower lobes
Berylliosis: Upper lobes, aerospace, manufacturing
- Granulomatous non-caseating
- Cancer Risk
- Cor-pulmonale
Coal workers pneumoconiosis: Prolonged coal dust exposure
- carbon in Macs -> Infl and fibrosis
- Caplan syndrome
- Small rounded nodular opacities on imaging
- Anthracosis: asymp condition in urban dwellers - sooty air
- black lung disease

Silicosis: Uppr Lungs, TB
- egg shell calcification of hilar lymphnodes on CXR
- Silica may disrupt phagolysosomes and hence Inc susceptibility to Tuberculosiso
Hypersensitivity Pnemonitis
- Diffuse reticular opacities,
- type 3,4 Hypersensitivity
- poorly formed noncaseating Granulomas

tags: respiratory - pathology