Deck Step1 All Subjects Two
1. Gap Junctions seen where?
gaps connect..
- Connexon proteins permit Electrical impluse transfers
- Enable coordinated cilia movement
- Cardiac myocytes connected to each other for electrically
2. Tight Junctions? where?
tight occludes and forms barriers
- claudins and occludins (prevents solute movement between cells)
- damaged by infarction
- Blood-Brain Barrier
- Blood-Testis barrier
3. Adherins — they are belts!
- Anti Growth signal!
- connect actin cytoskeleton between adjacent cells
- CADherins (Calcium dependent ADhesion proteins)
- Loss of E-Cadherin promotes Invasion
- Gastric Ca - diffuse type (E-CAD mutation)
- Breast Ca
- Lobar Carcinoma in Situ
- Invasive Lobar Ca.
4. AKI/Prerenal azotemia? Loss of Blood flow
- Main problem: ischemia, reduced RBF
- Decreased RBF –> Decreased GFR –> (response) Increase Reabsorption of Na, Water, UREA –> Less Na excreted –> < 1% FENa, Low Urine-Na <20; Inc Water Reabsorption –> Increase UrineOsmolality >500
- Creatinine continues to be excreted while UREA is reabsorbed: >20 serum BUN/Cr ratio
5. AKI/Intrinsic-Acute Tubular Necrosis: loosing absorptive CAPACITY!
- Now we loose absorptive capacity
- Loss of Na –> FENa > 2%, Urine Na > 40; Loss of Water –> UrineOsmolality < 350; UREA not absorbed –> Serum BUN/Cr < 15
6. AKI: reduces GFR!
7. AKI: In Mainteinance phase, there is increased risk of?
- Electrolyte imbalance
- renal wasting
8. Intracellular Ca regulation -Sarcolemma Muscle contraction
- Action potential reaches NMJ inside Sarcolemma –> 3Na/Ca Exchanger (Na influx, Ca efflux in the T-Tubule space –> Ca reenters Cytoplasm via L-Type Ca Channel –+> Ca activates RyR2 channel on the Sarcoplasmic reticulum –> Sarcoplasmic Reticulum effluxes its Ca into Cytoplasm through the RyR2 channel –> binds to Troponin C –> Muscle contraction;
- After contraction, Myosin is detached upon binding of new ATP –> Ca-attached-to-troponin C is realeased –> Ca sequestered back into Sarcoplasmic Reticulum through the SERCA2 channel
9. GFR Autoregulation
- Dec BP –> Dec RPF (Reduced Hyderostatic PRessure) –> Dec GFR –> Dec NaCl @ macula densa:
- Dec GFR –+> RAAS –> Eferent Arteriole Constriction –> Improved GFR
- Dec GFR –+> Afferent Arteriole Dilation –> Improved GFR
10. Early pregnany loss, Inc risk of complications, prematurity:
- Bicornuate uterus: Incomplete fusion of Mullerian ducts
11. Double uterus, vagina, cervix:
- Complete failure of fusion
- Pregnancy POSSIBLE
12. Viral infection that flares and remits in cyclical fashion:
13. CFTR is a problem of pre or post translational processing?
- POST translational
- due to misfolded proteins which are sent to preoteasome-ubiquitin system for degradation
14. Carpal Tunnel Sydnrome:
- Thenar eminence atrophies but spares sensation (cutaneous branch enters hand external to carpal tunnel)
- 90 degree flexion at wrist causes tingling Phalen
- Percussion of wrist: tingling Tinlen\
15. CTS causing Conditions
- RA, Preg, Hypothyroidism (GAGs), DM (connnective tissue thickening), Hemodialysis (b2Microglobulin, amyloidosis)
16. Cardiac reaction to decreased o2 delivery:
- Release Adenosin and NO –> Coronary vascular smooth muscle vasodilation –> maintaine adequate perfusion.
- Increased Pressure? –> reduce Adenosin and NO –> increase vascular resistance –> maintaine adequate perfiusn pressure
- Adenosine
17. Chest Pain RELIEVED by leaning Forward?
- Pericarditis: acute pleuritic chest pain
- retroperitoneal things
18. a factor, enters nucleous and makes acutephase reactants, cytokines, cell adhesion molecules, leukocyte growth factors
19. Why precocious puberty short stature while Gigantism peeps are tall?
- Precocious puberty –> Inc sex hormones –> promote both growth and Epiphyseal plate closure –> Initial growth spurt but later no growth
- Gigantism: GH hormone does not cause Epiphyseal plate closure –> grow taller via growth plate –> epiphyseal == cartilage!
- Target inflammatory skin lesion
- Multiforme: Mycoplasma & HSV
- deposition of antigens in keratinocytes –> Inc cytotoxoci Tcell response

21. Skin lesion + 1 week history of focal neurologic deficit (seizure)
- Malignant melanoma metastasized to the brain
- also goes to GI, liver, lungs
22. Purulent cellulitis virulance factor?
- Panton Valentine Leukocidin from Staph Aureus
23. Non purulent cellulitis?
- Beta Hemolytic Streptococcia GROUP ABCD
24. Annular ring and scaling plaque five cm in diametr with central clearning?
- Tinea corporis

25. Axillary lymph ndoe dissection is a risk factor for?
26: LMN symptoms with signs of infection (headache, mailaise, fever):
- Poliovirus, anterior horn
- feco-oral –> oropharynx –> blood –> CNS –> Anterior horn!
26: Spinal Lesions
- Caudia equina syndrome:
- Loss of knee and ankle reflex + bladder/anal control + saddle anesthesia
- along with radicular pain ofcourse!
27: Port wine stain + kid + glaucoma + seizures?
- Sturge-Weber syndrome
- Somatic mosaicism - GNAQ
- Capillary vascular malform –> Port wine stain
- Leptomeningeal angioma –> seizures
- Episcleral hemagioma –> Inc ICT –> glaucoma (early oneset)
28: Natalizumab associated with JC Virus activaction leading to
- Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
tags: step1 - usmle - deck