
vi medicine informatics

20 October 2022

Labgear 6 Released


layout: post title: “LabGear App v6 released” categories: [medicalapps] tags: [labgear, iosapp] —

New version– LabGear 6 released

This year, in August, we celebrated 12 years of LabGear. So much effort had gone into releasing the first version for iPhone OS v2.0. This release is a major revamp of not only the app, material but also its business model. LabGear- now lists all of its lab references ranges for free with a subscription to get to more content.

The App Store ecosystem has changed enormously since 2010. And with it, the app economy as well. This change in the model will help me sustain the app for the next decade. Lots of new enhancements and features are planned, and I hope this new change in the model will help bring them to life.

Thank you for the support, as always– please keep sending us suggestions– support AT
